Marja Suna

There has always been a message behind Marja Suna's creations
The talented artist Marja Suna (1934–2022) was perhaps best known as the designer of Marimekko's clothes. During her long career, Marja Suna proved to be a skilled user of many materials. In addition to clothing design, she also got to know paper and glass. Metal also began to interest he as a previously unknown material.
Marja Suna, who received the State Art Industry Award in 1979 and was chosen as Fashion Artist of the Year in 1998, has said that all creative work must have a message behind it. Suna designed her first jewelry series for Kaunis Koru in 1998, after which she had a long career at Kalevala Jewelry.
In 2010, Marja Suna was awarded with the Kaj Franck award, the most prestigious design award in Finland, for her more than 50-year career as a designer. In the same year, he was invited as an honorary member of the University of Applied Sciences.

"Creation. That's all."
As a fashion artist, Suna saw jewelry as an important part of dressing. She thought about the jewelry's usability and clean lines, its suitability for everyday life and celebrations. She defined her jewelry as classically modern, because they describe their own era and some already foresee future styles.
An important element in her jewelry is the refraction of light on the surface of the material, and she drew her inspiration for the design from nature. The artist felt it was important how the surface of the jewelry looks and what it conveys to the person wearing it. The most famous jewelry by Marja Suna is Lumikukka, Snow Flower, launched in 2004.
Snow Flower
A snow flower bursts from the middle of snow and ice to glorify the diversity of nature, creating light and beauty close to people.

Alma Pöysti hurmasi ja kantoi Golden Globe -gaalassa Lumikukkia
Suomalainen näyttelijä Alma Pöysti oli ehdolla parhaan naisnäyttelijän palkinnon saajaksi musikaali- ja komediaelokuvien sarjassa Golden Globe -gaalassa Ansan roolista Aki Kaurismäen elokuvassa Kuolleet lehdet.
Alma Pöysti kantoi gaalassa uniikkia versiota Marja Sunan Lumikukka-korusta. Lisäksi hänellä oli muotisuunnittelija Anne-Mari Pahkalan suunnittelema uniikkiasu.
Kuva © Michael Tran / AFP / Lehtikuva
Kalevala - ajatonta muotoilua ja kohokohtia jo vuodesta 1937.